The Fine Line Book One Between Worlds Series Page 16
“Instead of going to the ends of the earth, come home every once and a while.” Her sobs intensified. “Because I miss you, Matt.” Tears rapidly fell down her cheeks.
“My heart feels like it’s ripping in half. I can’t stand seeing you cry.” He got up and walked to her. Gently, he turned her chair toward him as he knelt in front of her. His fingers brushed away her tears as he smiled up at her. “I miss you, too Robin. I don’t want to lose you. And I sure as hell don’t want a divorce. God, what are you thinking?”
He embraced her. “Nothing is worth losing you. Not my job. Not this house. Nothing in this entire world could take your place. Nothing.”
Her arms fell around his neck as she cried uncontrollably. Quickly, she found herself deeply in love with him again realizing she never fell out of love to begin with.
The argument changed things. Matt worked from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Because he wasn’t an hourly employee, he had options; options he didn’t even realize were available to him. Matt also cut Audrey’s hours. He set her up to work 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. He felt uncomfortable being alone with her after the argument with Robin. So, he hired Stella Bowling, a wonderful woman in her 40’s. She covered the office from noon until 5 p.m. Although Audrey didn’t say anything, Matt could see the change angered her. He told Robin about the changes promising to always keep her informed.
It didn’t escape Matt’s attention that Audrey wore more revealing clothing when her hours were altered; shorter skirts, lower cut blouses. He knew she tried desperately to grab his attention. There were times he felt uncomfortable with the lack of personal space she put between them. Leaning down to go over spreadsheets and paperwork topped the list.
A snowy February Saturday morning meant rest and relaxation. Matt laid awake watching Robin sleep peacefully beside him. He loved watching her sleep. Touching her hair gently, he just wanted to be close to her. He rose up on his elbow and kissed her cheek then her neck. He saw the smile across her lips.
He whispered in her ear, “Good morning.”
She smiled, stretched, and turned onto her back, looking up at him. Slowly, he unbuttoned her pajama top and opened it up never losing eye contact with her. Brushing the tips of his fingers across her breasts, he smiled seductively.
“I love you,” she whispered.
He leaned down, kissed her forehead, and smiled.
“I love you, too.” he said. “When you touch me, it’s like electricity just runs through my entire body. I don’t think I have ever felt more complete. I love the way you make love to me. I never believed it was possible for souls to melt into one another, but you… you changed all of that for me. It’s intense. You’re intense. Every touch. Every kiss. Every movement. It just makes me want you that much more.”
After several times making love, he held her close as she rested her head on his chest.
“I love listening to the sound of your heart,” she said sweetly.
He smiled. The serenity couldn’t be put into words.
Abruptly, the study door slammed repeatedly. Astounded, Matt grabbed his sweatpants and put them on as Robin wrapped up in her robe. They walked out into the hallway and saw nothing, but heard the frames that hung on the study wall shaking wildly. Matt walked into the study, but when he entered the noises stopped. The temperature in the room felt significantly colder than in the hallway and the master bedroom.
Behind them in the hallway, floorboards creaked as if someone were walking toward them. Turning around, Matt pushed Robin behind him in an effort to protect her. They continued back into the hallway.
“Get out of our house!” Matt yelled. “How much longer can we do this?” he whispered. “We’re not leaving. This is our home!” he shouted again.
Chapter Eleven
In May, the trees in full bloom gave a welcome reminder of life made anew. Robin and Matt had been trying to get pregnant. It was months ago when Robin took the patch off. She’d hoped by the late spring or early summer she could announce the arrival of a new member to the family, but disappointingly, it hadn’t happened yet.
Olivia grew faster than Matt or Robin wanted to admit. She continued withdrawing, however. Her last semester grades dropped even further and her social circle diminished. It was easy for Robin to see that something bothered her.
Robin sat in the swing with Matt as he rested his arm around her back. The trees swayed in a familiar dance. The smell of charcoal lingered in the air. The smells of late spring were invigorating.
Matt smiled and looked over at Robin.
“You know what month it is, right?” he asked curiously.
“Um… yes. It’s May,” she answered as she peeked at Matt. “Lucky me, I’m a year older.”
“Well, yeah, but did you forget something else?”
“What?” She played with him knowing exactly what he meant.
“Oh my God, you did forget!”
She elbowed him in the ribs.
“Are you crazy? I didn’t forget. It is the month we met.”
“Go into the parlor and look on the chair,” he said sweetly.
Robin ran into the house and darted into the parlor. A large white box with a red ribbon lay before her. She tore into the box as Matt sat in the other wingback chair watching. She lifted the leopard patterned bathing suit out of the box.
“Dr. Gregory, you naughty, naughty man,” she joked.
“It’s for our honeymoon,” he laughed.
She chuckled and smiled. “I love it! Thank you. Your gift is in the basement.”
Excitedly, he ran down the stairs as Robin followed. A box sat on the washing machine. He flipped the lid off and pulled out a button-up short sleeved shirt. The red with tropical designs all over it typically wasn’t his style.
“For our honeymoon,” she laughed.
He dropped the shirt back into the box and grabbed Robin by the waist.
“Someday we will get to wear all of this, I promise.”
Smiling up at him she kissed his cheek.
“Maybe by the time we get to take our honeymoon we’ll have a complete wardrobe to take with us.”
Summer visits began with Olivia during the first week of June. Robin hoped to figure out the mystery behind Olivia’s strange behaviors. Because of her background in child welfare, Robin’s training led her down a very dark path, but she prayed her instincts were wrong.
Resting in one another’s arms one gorgeous Sunday morning after an enjoyable hour of love making, Robin sighed happily. She looked up at Matt, his eyes closed, his arms wrapped tightly around her.
“Didn’t I tell you half the fun of having a baby was making one?” he whispered.
She smiled. His gorgeous brown eyes opened.
“Yes. You did,” she answered.
“Was I right?” he asked sensually.
With a sincere nod, her smile continued.
His eyes fixed upon her. Lightly, he touched her cheek.
“You are just so beautiful.”
She blushed.
“And I love that I can still make you blush,” he concluded.
The day progressed on. Robin worked in the flowerbeds pulling weeds and spreading mulch. The sound of gravel hitting metal told her Olivia and Sheryl were coming up the lane. Her excitement was hard to contain.
She pulled the gardening gloves off and put them in the garage as the car neared. Behind her, the kitchen screen door slammed and Matt walked out.
When the car stopped, Olivia got out slowly and grabbed her backpack. She waved at Sheryl as she drove away. The poor child looked lost.
“Olly, what’s wrong?” Matt asked as he walked to her and knelt.
Without a word she threw her arms around him.
“I missed you so much daddy,” she whispered. “I’m so glad I get to stay with you all summer.”
“Honey, what’s wrong?” he continued as she clung to him.
“I can’t tell you,” she answered meekly. H
er little eyes gazed up at Robin who stood behind Matt. Kneeling down, too, Robin touched Olivia’s arm.
“You can always tell your dad and me.” she encouraged Olivia compassionately.
“Daddy,” she began as she pulled away, “I need to talk to Robin.”
“Okay. Why don’t you girls go in and get some Kool-Aid?”
Robin offered her hand and Olivia took it. In the other hand, Robin held Olivia’s backpack. The unhappiness emitted from Olivia was toxic.
So many times she had seen that sort of behavior. She had seen hopelessness in the eyes of children; children who were victimized.
After Olivia put her backpack in her room, she came back down and sat at the dining room table. Waiting for her was a glass of Kool-Aid and a peanut butter sandwich. Robin waited also.
Olivia pushed the plate away. Her cheek bones protruded from her face and she looked emaciated. Her coloring pale and her eyes sunken in, Robin wondered when Olivia ate last.
“What’s going on kiddo?” Robin asked.
“Robin, what does it mean when someone’s a virgin?” she blurted out.
She tried to answer the best she could.
“Well, you are a virgin until you decide to give yourself to someone… in an intimate way. Do you know what that means? Hasn’t your mom talked to you about all of this yet?”
“No, my mom hasn’t talked to me about anything. All she does is work.”
After a long pause, Robin watched as tears welled in Olivia’s eyes and then trickled down her soft cheeks, falling like raindrops onto the table. The quiet tears grew into sobs of anguish. Her head fell into her hands as the cries continued.
Robin reached out for her hand. “Honey, come in and sit on the couch.”
Olivia followed and then Robin held her as she cried.
“Talk to me sweetheart. You’re wasting away before my very eyes. I can’t stand it.”
“Kyle… he…”
“Kyle is your stepdad, right?” The pit in Robin’s stomach grew larger as her years of sexual abuse education came to the surface of her mind.
“Yes. He’s my stepdad… and Robin, he’s done things to me that I don’t understand.”
“What has he done honey?” she asked.
“I didn’t know that boys and girls were different until he gave me a bath one day a long time ago,” she began, “He has different parts. Sometimes he wants me to do things to him. Sometimes he does things to me. I tell him not to, but he does it anyway.” Her bawling grew louder as her confession came pouring from her like water from a deep well.
Robin’s blood ran hot as anger and sadness came simultaneously. She knew she couldn’t ask anything else. Someone else needed to talk to Olivia.
“Olly,” she started, “we are going to have to go to the hospital. When was the last time this happened with your stepdad?”
“Just a couple of days ago,” she answered.
“We’re going to get you some help, okay? You have to trust me though.”
“I do,” she replied with a confident nod, her eyes red and swollen.
“Let’s go get your dad, okay?”
“But I don’t want to talk about this to people I don’t know,” she protested. “I am ugly!” The weeping accelerated again.
“No, baby girl, you’re not. You’re not ugly at all. What’s happened is ugly, but you’re not. And Olivia, this isn’t just about you honey. What if Kyle does this to some other little girl?”
She quieted and thought for a moment. “I’m just afraid.”
“I know, but you will be okay. You’re daddy and I will both see to that.”
Robin heard Matt’s boots fall onto the mat beside the kitchen door. The lump solidified in her throat as she realized the inevitable. Telling him would be much more than just difficult.
He walked into the living room. Robin turned and saw his confusion.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
Robin turned her attention back to Olivia.
“Go on upstairs and get your shoes, Olly.” She rose from the couch and walked passed Matt without a word.
“What’s going on?” he asked again.
Robin stood and walked to him. She gently put her hands on his shoulders as their eyes met.
“Matthew, we need to take Olivia to the hospital. I can’t tell you much right now, but I will explain everything when we get there. Please don’t ask questions, just get in the car with us and go.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Please. You have to trust me Matthew. Something terrible has happened to Olivia and she needs help.”
Still perplexed, he nodded. “Okay.”
They arrived at Children’s Hospital in Dayton. Robin stepped into triage with Olivia while Matt sat patiently in the waiting area. When the nurse asked what was going on, Robin explained her position as an intake supervisor for the neighboring county’s children services agency. She requested a SANE nurse and someone from the local child advocacy center. She also told the triage nurse that Olivia disclosed sexual abuse and that it occurred less than 72 hours ago. Robin knew this window of time was vital for collecting physical evidence.
The nurse took them back to a room immediately. As another nurse put a gown on Olivia, Robin excused herself assuring Olivia she would be right back. She walked out to the waiting room where Matt still sat quietly. Holding out her hand to him, he took it and she led him to the large wooden door separating the waiting area from the treatment rooms. With his hand still in hers, she looked up into his face.
“Olivia has been sexually abused.”
“Sexually abused?” he whispered. “By who?”
“Kyle Winston.”
“Sheryl’s husband?” It took only seconds for the situation to register. “That bastard,” he whispered as the skin in his face brightened into a shade of red.
“Please, Matt. Hold it together for her. I’m begging you.”
“I… I…” He took a deep breath. “I will try.”
The SANE nurse and the physician completed the physical exam. They collected DNA evidence.
After that an advocacy worker and a detective arrived. An interview room with a two-way mirror allowed the doctor, the nurse, and the detective to observe the advocacy worker’s interview with Olivia.
Robin knew she couldn’t be with Olivia during the interview. Truthfully, she didn’t want to be. Despite all of her training, she couldn’t smother the anger she felt.
Quietly, Robin sat in the waiting area staring as Matt as he paced on the sidewalk outside. Finally, he walked back in and sat beside Robin. Silence consumed them.
After the interview, the SANE nurse sat with Olivia while the advocate and the detective spoke to Robin and Matt in a private conference room.
“Dr. and Mrs. Gregory,” the young female detective began, “Olivia has disclosed consistent sexual abuse since the age of seven. So basically, from what we can gather Mr. Winston has been molesting her for a little over a year. And both of you should know and understand that, according to Olivia, Mr. Winston has taken her through all of the stages of intimacy.”
Everyone in the room knew what that phrase meant. Matt stood and walked to the window with his hand clasped over his mouth. Robin watched helplessly as he choked back his emotions unsuccessfully. His eyes reddened with tears.
The police detective continued. “I also think it’s important for you to know that Mr. Winston has…”
“Please, detective,” Matt started still glaring out the window and shaking his head, “I can’t hear this.”
“I’m very sorry Dr. Gregory. But you should both know the doctor collected DNA evidence and hairs from Olivia.”
“Another positive side to this,” the advocate interjected, “is that Olivia is very credible. Her believability will help a jury to convict.”
“A jury,” Matt bit out.
“Yes sir,” the detective replied. “We intend to bring this case to the prosecutor immediately. Mr. Winston will
be charged with rape sir. Multiple counts of rape and sodomy.”
Robin saw the expression on Matt’s face as his stomach turned with disgust. His body shifted and he faced the window overlooking the parking lot once more.
“According to Dr. Wallace,” the detective continued, “there’s evidence of physical trauma. Her verbal interview will seal it for the grand jury, I have no doubt. This is an airtight case.”
“Can you please explain to Matt what happens now?” Robin asked.
“Well,” the advocate continued, “we will put a plan in place that will keep Olivia at your house exclusively under your care for at least 30 days. I encourage both of you to file for full custody. Based on all of this, I’m certain the courts will grant it. We will help you obtain a restraining order and a temporary protection order.”
Matt turned. In his eyes, Robin saw burning fury. Placing both of his hands on the table in front of the detective, he glared. “I want to know what happens to him. In the meantime, before he goes in front of a jury, what the hell happens to him?” He turned away again and shouted, “Now that he’s wrecked my little girl’s life, what happens to him?”
“Well, we will bring him in for questioning. Hopefully he will just confess,” the detective answered. “If not, we’ll get a warrant based on the evidence we have. We can collect his DNA and match it to the samples collected today.”
The advocate spoke up again. “I suggest that you put Olivia in outpatient counseling. She doesn’t understand the impact of what’s happened to her. She just knows that it’s wrong. She’s afraid that you, Dr. Gregory, will never be able to forgive her, so family therapy is recommended as well.”
Matt ran his fingers through his hair. He turned back around and looked at the worker. “I love my little girl,” he started, his lips quivering. “This is not her fault. I don’t blame her for any of this.”
“You need to keep telling her that. You can expect nightmares, maybe bed wetting, and behavior changes for some time,” the advocated continued. “If either of you have any questions, here’s my card. Call me,” she said as she slid the card to Robin. “It was good to see you again Mrs. Gregory. Just sorry it had to be under these circumstances.”