The Fine Line Book One Between Worlds Series Page 22
Finally, Matt realized this woman walking down the staircase belonged to him. Robin dazzled him. His heart beat just a little faster as he drank the rest of his beer
His pants tightened as he became aroused. The desire to take her into his arms, carry her to the cabin, and make love to her for hours nearly incapacitated him.
She smiled as her hand glided down the railing. He could see the uncertainty in her eyes as she stepped down in the heels, but still, she made it look effortless. He approached her and held out his arm.
“Shall we, M’Lady?” he asked chivalrously.
She nodded and smirked.
“You look quite dashing Dr. Gregory,” she said sweetly as she touched the lapel of his suit. He wore a charcoal gray suit with a white shirt and a red tie. He had slicked his hair back and perfectly groomed his goatee.
After the sophisticated dinner, they walked the deck and took in the fresh salty air. With her heels in her hand, Robin felt more stable. Bare feet suited her better. A slight chill filled the air, so Matt lent her his suit coat.
“You look delicious,” he said as he held tight to her hand.
“Thank you.” Her cheeks flushed pink.
“Ahhh, there it is,” he said delightedly.
“You still have that affect on me,” she assured him.
They finally concluded the evening after dozens of walks on the decks. Robin took a relaxing bath and subsequently, wrapped in a towel, she walked from the bathroom into the state room where she saw Matt sitting up in bed asleep. His head leaned back against the wall, he had no shirt on. The light from the television reflected off of his smooth skin. The other lights in the room were low. The balcony door still stood open and the sound of waves against the boat provided the perfect atmosphere.
She stood for the longest time admiring him; how perfectly shaped his body still was. Her blood ran hot as she yearned to be close to him. She turned the television off and shut the balcony door. She walked to the bed and sat down. He didn’t stir.
Tenderly, she touched his cheek and traced his eyebrows with her finger tips.
His eyes slowly opened and he smiled as her fingertip outlined his lips. She smiled back at him. He sat up and leaned toward her and glanced down at the towel wrapped securely around her.
“Just a towel, huh? Planning on getting lucky Mrs. Gregory?” he said in a low voice.
“Well,” she said as her eyes rolled up to the ceiling, “I thought that I might.” Her gaze then focused on his brown eyes.
Sweeping her dark hair from her shoulder to her back, he ran his hand down her arm, barely touching her skin. He found the knot in the towel and released it.
Her head dropped as if she were ashamed. His eyebrows narrowed.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I’m so thin,” she said sadly. She felt exposed and embarrassed.
He tilted her chin up with his finger. “You’re perfect.”
He pulled the towel away and touched her breasts. Pulling her close, he kissed her lips. The passion ignited between them. Robin lay back onto the bed as Matt moved in and hovered over her. They continued kissing as she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.
His kisses were heated. His hands steadied his weight as he placed them on each side of her. She rose up toward him and rested on her elbows. He kissed her neck as she threw her head back enjoying every moment; every touch. Stopping to look at him, the intensity in his eyes was overpowering. She felt ready.
“Now,” she whispered. “Please, I don’t want to wait any longer.”
He sat up and then scooted backward toward the headboard. Her hand in his, he pulled her onto him. His hands rested firmly on her tiny waist as she moved forward and backward slowly. Their kisses did not cease as the intensity between them reached higher levels. With the excitement rising, Matt’s hands began roaming all over her bare body. She panted and moaned as she continued moving rhythmically.
“You’re close,” he whispered in her ear. “I can feel it.”
“Yes,” she answered breathily.
“Don’t hold back. You feel so good to me.”
Her hands found his arms and her fingers tightened around his biceps. Her head fell back as a deep, satisfying moan passed through her lips.
The tightening grip around him brought his arousal to a peak as he also climaxed.
As they calmed, Robin didn’t move from him. She rested her head on his shoulder and then kissed his neck lightly. She touched his cheek with her hand and smiled.
“I love you Matthew,” she said softly.
“I love you, too, sweetheart,” he whispered. “It feels like it’s been an eternity since we’ve been like this.”
“We don’t have to stop,” she suggested seductively.
“Oh, trust me, we’re just getting started. We have a lot of catching up to do.”
The next morning the ship anchored at Grand Cayman. Because of the boat’s size, the ship literally anchored off shore and ferries came to pick up the travelers.
Matt and Robin spent the gorgeous day touring the island and finally ended their adventure on Seven Mile Beach. Adorned in her white hat and bikini and Matt in his tropical swim trunks, they felt at peace with their lives. It felt so good to be in the sun. Both of them had missed feeling so alive. Robin stood in the clear blue water as she felt the sand between her toes. The ocean breeze brought more peace. All of the dark sadness she had felt became a distant memory.
After dinner that evening, Matt and Robin spent some time in the onboard casino. Matt turned out to be an excellent blackjack player. Robin stuck to the slots. When they were done trying their luck, they walked the deck over and over, enjoyed the pool onboard. Then they retired to their room where they spent hours on the balcony. Ferries continued transporting passengers until the ship’s horn blew. Once again, the floating city sailed on.
The next morning they arrived in Cozumel and the ship would be docked there until the next evening. Robin stood in front of the mirror braiding her pigtails. She wore a pair of khaki shorts, a pair of hiking boots with some white socks, a thin white linen button up short sleeved shirt, and her bikini top. She planted her white hat on her head and smiled at herself in the mirror. Her skin had already begun to bronze from the short time in the sun.
Matt walked in from the balcony. He wore his tropical shirt, a pair of khaki cargo shorts, and his hiking boots.
“It’s really humid, so make sure you pack a lot of water,” he suggested as he grabbed his backpack.
They met eight other couples on the gangway. The guide for the Mayan tours hadn’t arrived yet. The couples were all young. The excursion would be physically challenging because of the terrain, so many of the older couples passed up the opportunity to go.
A tall, gentleman with brownish red hair walked to Matt and Robin as they stood patiently waiting on the dock. He put out his hand toward Matt.
“Hello there,” he began in a thick British accent, “I saw you in the casino last night; quite impressive.”
“Oh, well thanks. I’m Matt and this is my wife, Robin.”
Robin stepped forward and shook hands.
“Pleased to meet you.”
“I’m Laurie and this is my wife Tasha,” he continued.
Short in stature, Tasha had brown hair in a bob style haircut. Tasha’s smile seemed radiant with eyes the color of the ocean. Positive energy surrounded her. She reached out for Robin’s hand. “Hi,” she said with an American accent.
When she touched Robin’s hand, she stopped and looked into her eyes. Time stood still. Continuing with a welcoming smile, Robin began feeling a little awkward. Tasha released her hand.
“Sorry,” she said, “I sort of got lost there for a moment.”
Robin shrugged it off with a grin. Matt and Laurie teamed up as they rode in the ferry bound for Tulum. The men talked and talked. They acted like they’d known each other for years. It amazed Robin as she watched them interact. Tasha just seemed deep in thought
. To break the monotony, Robin looked over at her and began a conversation.
“So, you’re from the United States?”
As if snapping out of a trance, the woman looked up at her.
“Oh yes. I’m from Pennsylvania. Lived there all my life,” she answered.
“How did you meet Laurie?” Robin asked curiously.
“Well, I’m a writer, so I travel a lot. When one of the books got released, I flew to London for a signing. I met Laurie there. We were just drawn to one another. I couldn’t explain it,” she answered.
“Mmm… romantic.”
“We’ve been together ever sense. I admit the citizenship process for him has been tough, but we’ve been persistent and patient.”
“What kind of books do you write?”
“You may not be very open to this, but I write about paranormal phenomenon.”
Robin’s mouth fell open.
“Are you serious?”
“Absolutely. I’ve been writing about it since I was in my early twenties. I’m a parapsychologist.”
“Fascinating… and ironic,” Robin blurted out.
“You’ve had some experiences. I could tell the moment I touched your hand. Nothing happens by accident, you know,” Tasha continued.
“I believe that. But how did you know about my ‘experiences?’”
“I know it sounds crazy, but ever since I was a child I’ve been able to touch an object or a person and see the past. I’m not just talking their immediate past either. I can see any of their past lives. I completely believe in reincarnation.”
Robin didn’t know what to say.
“I know,” Tasha said as she nodded. “Hard to believe that out of all the 4500 people on this ship, I crossed paths with you.”
“Really, it’s not so farfetched. I believe that the Creator has a plan and that plan is large enough to factor in all possibilities,” she replied confidently.
“So, you’re a believer.”
“Without a doubt. There have been too many things happen in my life for me to ignore such things.”
“I would really like to do a reading for you sometime if you don’t mind.”
“A reading would be good,” she agreed.
The irony of the situation still surprised Robin. It fascinated her that out of all of the people on the planet, Tasha had been sent to her. Truly, the power of the Creator amazed her.
Everything made perfect sense now. If she hadn’t lost Bryan, she would have never needed to grieve. If she hadn’t needed to grieve, she would have never had the opportunity to be on that ship at that exact moment. She could not forget that a larger, more organized plan existed.
The ruins of Tulum were breathtaking and the majestic coastline, inspirational. The clear, blue water crashed against the cliffs. Robin felt free. For the first time in years, she wasn’t a captive of the haunted house.
Hand in hand, Robin and Matt walked among the mighty ruins of the Mayans long after the guide finished the formal tour. Spiritually, the land pulsated with energy. She knew the ground to be sacred and she felt privileged to be able to experience everything with her beloved Matt.
The activities of the day exhausted Matt and Robin. After boarding the ship, they took quick showers and snuggle into the large bed for a nap.
When Robin’s eyes opened, she saw Matt sleeping soundly. There were no alarm clocks in the room, so it wasn’t until Robin reached the pool deck she realized the clock prepared to strike six.
Many of the passengers were still on excursions, so there weren’t many people around.
Tasha sat at a table reading a book when she caught Robin’s eye. She saw her look up from her book and their eyes locked. Robin waved and Tasha waved back.
After getting a plate of food, Robin walked to Tasha and sat down.
“Hi there,” Tasha began.
“Hello,” Robin replied.
“I hope I didn’t freak you out too much earlier.”
“Not at all, Tasha. You have no idea what my husband and I have been through.”
“The loss of a child is devastating,” she blurted out.
Robin’s eyes filled with amazement.
“I’m so sorry,” Tasha continued, “I have the tendency of just coming right out and saying things when I probably…”
“No, no,” she interrupted, “you’re right. I don’t know why I’m even surprised that you knew that after what you told me today.”
“That was the first thing I saw when I touched your hand. You’re still in pain. I usually see the freshest wounds first. Although I must say, God has certainly performed a miracle in healing your sorrow.”
Robin nodded as tears brimmed in her eyes.
“Please, let me do a reading. I think what I have to say may help you,” she said as she smiled.
Robin nodded again as Tasha took her hand. Her eyes closed.
“You have a very solid marriage. He is your soul mate, truly. He has a daughter that you are very close to. She has abilities also; very special gifts. She can see the dead and she communicates with them. She has been learning to develop that gift and you’ve encouraged her to do this. You have a very strong belief in the paranormal also, but it really didn’t solidify until you moved into your home. Things have happened in your home to confirm suspicions that you have always had. You have gifts also; since you were a small child. Your dreams often open you to things going on in the spirit world.”
Robin listened in awe.
The woman continued. “You have a zest for life. You are a leader. You always have been. You are called to help people. There are times in your life you’ve felt damaged, but the Great Healer has closed those wounds. Someone in your adult life hurt you badly. I can see you crouched in a corner pleading for your life. His name starts with a “B” I think. That is what keeps coming to me.”
She nodded. “His name was Brett.”
“There is so much more pain in your past, but you have learned to adapt and heal. And your husband; this is not your first time with him. You have abided with one another for decades before. You have several past lives Robin, all of which have involved helping people and all of which have involved your husband. I can see so many lives you have touched; so many souls. And your husband has always been a healer. He doesn’t even realize his potential. My husband has been touched by yours in his past lives also, which is why they gravitated toward one another. World War II I think.
“I see you standing in a palace in a toga. I see you working in a field. I see you sewing by dim candlelight. I see you typing on a typewriter. These are all past lives for you; past experiences.”
Tasha opened her eyes and smiled.
“That’s amazing,” Robin said.
“You need help with your home,” she continued.
“Yes, we do.”
“You should contact the paranormal team that your friend told you about when you return home. They will be able to help you and they will know what to do.”
“Thank you so much,” Robin said sincerely.
They exchanged information to keep in touch.
The rest of the cruise went entirely too fast. Before they knew it, Robin and Matt were on a plane bound for home. Robin didn’t share anything with Matt about her encounter with Tasha. She felt the experience deserved respect and privacy. In her heart, she wished Matt could truly embrace faith. She felt that he cheated himself by remaining so skeptical. The still, small voice always assured her that in time he would come to understand and embrace the possibilities of spiritualism and faith.
As they drove up the lane, the glow of the digital clock lit up the dashboard. The midnight hour approached. Robin noticed something strange as they neared the house. The house lit up; every light in the house beamed through the panes of glass. No one was given a key, so logic told her no one could have gotten into the house.
“Why is every light in the house on?” she asked not expecting an answer.
Matt stared up at the house, but di
d not answer. After pulling the car into the garage, Matt defensively got out of the car and made his way to the door, Robin slowly following behind. He unlocked the kitchen door and took Robin’s hand. They walked from room to room, taking account. They found framed photographs of Robin shattered into pieces on the floors. The chairs in the dining room were turned upside down.
Carefully, they walked up the stairs and into the study. All of Robin’s certificates lay on the floor, frames busted and beyond repair. The rolling chairs were placed beside one another in the center of the room. No sense could be made of anything they were seeing.
“We need help,” Robin whispered.
Matt turned to her and nodded. “I believe you’re right.”
Chapter Seventeen
Clear & Convincing Evidence
As Robin stood in the parlor looking out the window at the lane, she spoke on the phone with Jennifer Zanderheart, the founder of the team, explaining everything. Jennifer agreed she would come to the home the next evening with the rest of her crew. She insisted Olivia be present.
At 7:00 in the evening, a caravan arrived; vans and cars. Robin sat in the living room on the couch as Matt greeted everyone. There were three women and two men. Jennifer introduced herself and then introduced her team.
The other two women, Gabbie Zanderheart and Alice Vanhoose, had been with Jennifer for 10 years. Gabbie and Jennifer were cousins. Alice had been Jennifer’s co-worker at a previous job.
Tall with a medium build, Gabbie had long red hair and wore glasses. Alice, petite with short mousy brown hair, had the most astounding gray eyes.
Jacob Zanderheart and Rodney Peaking made up the technical team. Jacob, standing 6’5”, had brown curly hair and a beard. He and Jennifer had been married for years. Rodney wasn’t related to any of the team and had a stockier build with blonde hair and a nice smile.
Jennifer explained Gabbie’s gifts first. She was a psychic medium with the ability to make contact with spirits. Alice and Jennifer concentrated on demonology.