The Fine Line Book One Between Worlds Series Page 25
Dear God or Creator or whoever you are, I don’t know what all of this means. I don’t understand any of it. Here I am an educated man and everything this guy just said is foreign to me. But I need your help. We need your help. If you are real, please help us beat this. Help us win against whatever is here. Please. I am begging you to help us.
The pastor began the formal prayer. “Heavenly Father, we come to you on behalf of this family. You know what their situation is. You know what they are up against and you know the battle they have fought so valiantly up to this point. Your promises give us strength and power. And Dear God we believe in that power.”
The room’s temperature fluctuated between extreme heat and extreme cold. The lights in the room flickered as a heaviness filled the air. Matt was clenched tightly to Robin’s hand. Olivia sat beside him tightly clinging to his arm. He watched her little lips moving silently.
Robin spoke up, “Creator of this world and the next, have your way in this situation and grant us peace everlasting.”
Suddenly, Robin’s head jerked back as she choked.
“Please folks, just stay calm,” the minister directed. “We have to keep praying.”
Matt felt helpless again. Olivia leaned up and whispered in his ear.
“It’s going to be okay daddy.”
He looked down at her serene face.
Matt focused on Robin as she gasped for air.
“In the name Jesus Christ I command you to release her!” the pastor shouted.
The air came back into Robin’s lungs as she coughed.
“In the name of Jesus Christ I send you back to the pit where you came from. You have no authority here! By the blood of Christ I claim authority over you and cast you out of this house and away from this family. In his Holy name I claim authority over you! Be gone!”
Throughout the entire ordeal, the curtains in the room swayed and the room temperature never steadied. Sometimes it seemed as if a tornado moved through the room seeking what could be devoured. Intermittently Robin choked, gasping for air. The entity slapped her, pulled her hair, scratched her, and shook her. Matt felt as if he were in the middle of a horror film.
The minister continued praying. Little by little the rage weakened. With one final rebuke suddenly, things got quiet. The room seemed brighter. Matt smelled fresh roses in the air. For the first time in his life, he felt calm. He looked over at Robin who smiled with tears rolling from her eyes. It was finally over. They fought and won.
Chapter Nineteen
The Veil of Normalcy
What seemed like a lifetime of torment ended just as abruptly as it began. Robin and Matt had gone through so much, but as Robin had always predicted, they emerged whole on the other side. Matt’s baby- steps of faith blossomed into a full understanding. Robin shared her meditation methods with him. With Robin by his side, he willingly attended a class about spirituality.
Olivia’s gift grew even stronger. She helped so many more souls find peace. Embracing her abilities, she learned more and strengthened her faith. She formed friendships with other children who possessed special gifts. Together they started their own ghost hunting team.
Several years passed. Once the dust settled from the situation with the house, Robin quickly got pregnant and eventually delivered a healthy baby boy, David Thomas Gregory.
Robin stood in the mirror of the master bedroom. She turned and ran her hand down her pregnant belly. Only three more weeks and she would deliver a baby girl. The name Robin and Matt chose: Hope Inez Gregory. They agreed that Hope was fitting with all of the things they had gone through. Inez was the name of Robin’s great-grandmother.
Robin tried hard to focus on getting ready, but she couldn’t.
Matt walked in. “Chop, chop woman! We gotta go!”
“I know, I know,” she answered as she put her earrings in.
“Olivia is already in the car. Our two year old is jumping around downstairs.” The car horn started blaring. “She’s out there laying on the horn now. Can’t you hear it?”
“You would think this is her first awards banquet. Can you make sure David has clothing on? I put him in a nice little suit.”
“Well, it is the first time she’s getting the county academic achievement award. She’s really worked hard on those tests,” Matt replied.
“I know. I bought her something special at the jeweler’s. It’s in the top drawer.”
Matt walked to the dresser and opened the drawer. He opened the lid to the black box. Inside laid a charm bracelet.
“She will love this,” he said. He looked closely. On the bracelet was a ghost charm. “It’s perfect.”
“I think I’m ready,” she said as she slipped her black heels on.
“I’ll meet you downstairs,” Matt said as he walked to her. He put his hand on her belly and kissed her cheek. He looked deeply into her eyes. “I love you both,” then excitedly smiled. “Now let’s go before Olivia loses her mind and before David stomps a hole in the floor.”
He sprinted out of the room and practically flew down the stairs. Robin followed slowly and walked to the dining room to grab her purse. She stood in the kitchen door looking at her family waiting in the car.
She felt blessed. All of the challenges they had faced brought them closer together. She knew there would be more challenges ahead, of course, but as long as their devotion remained strong, they would always be triumphant.
The fine line disappeared; everything perfectly clear. There were no more doubts. They were a family of faith and love and that love would take them through to eternity.
The End
About The Author
Tracee Ford has been telling stories her whole life. Tracee dreamed big and worked to make her dreams come true by becoming an award-winning novelist and now founder of Ozwind Publishing, LLC. Tracee is a member of the Paranormal Romance Guild. Her first novel, The Fine Line, won a Reader’s Choice Award in 2013 and her second novel, Idolum: Visions of the Undone, was nominated by PRG for Best Paranormal Romantic Suspense novel of 2013, and secured and won second place.
Tracee has walked many paths in her life as a playwright, director, and a puppeteer. She has also delved into the darkest parts of our society and culture with the Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences and Psychology which she earned from Shawnee State University and a Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology from the University of North Dakota. Tracee’s interest in the paranormal, her life experience, and education has given her a keen insight into the shadows that haunt our society making her a brilliant author of thrillers and suspense. Tracee is excited to expand her writing by exploring other genres inspired by her love of such classics as L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With The Wind. Tracee Ford is ready to take your hand and lead you on fantastic and thrilling new adventures.
Get a peek at Book 2 of the Between Worlds Series
Voice of the Dead
Dr. Lauren Harris is a brilliant nationally respected forensic psychologist with a secret. She is an empath who can emotionally connect with the spirits of dead, seeing through their eyes, and giving them a voice. When she is called upon by the FBI to help track down and stop The Phantom, a hedonistic serial killer, she is confronted with the one thing she has always feared when she meets Agent Nicholas Bennette.
The two find it difficult to work with each other at first due to their differences and the sexual tension building like wild fire between them. As Lauren connects with The Phantom’s victims she finds herself trying to make sense of the visions feeling overwhelmed with the knowledge that so much has been left undone in their lives. She learns that the dead will no longer be silenced when they have a voice through her. As the body count rises and a passionate romance begins with Nicholas, Lauren discovers that she has been targeted by The Phantom, and she is frightened to learn that she too has left much undone in her life as well.
e Book One Between Worlds Series